Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Bithday Little Man!!

exactly 1 year ago today......

I woke up thinking oh my goodness Mr Tyus is never going to come out and as of 3 days before this they were weighing him in at 9 lbs 10 oz.. I thought seriously my due date was still 2 1/2 weeks away... Think Heaven My Doctor was smart enough to tell me that I was going to have to have a c-section and that I would be getting a scheduled c-section on the 19th for the fact that Mr. Tyus was already a big guy and I would end up with a 12 lb child if I waited till my due date.. and with High blood pressure.. starting to lose feeling in my legs... etc... I was so excited... So any way.. I woke up irritated that I was still big fat and carrying around a bowling ball and was still tech on bedrest.. (doctor didn't want me to go into labor on my own) but I was stir crazy and I wanted to have a great day with Tash.. Thinking this could be the last chance we had a Mommy/Tash day out for awhile! So we went to toysrus... then to Hobby Lobby got TONS of xmas crafts.. Went to Lakeview Muesum... Had us some nice warm startbucks... then went home to do crafts!! Perfect day!! I was tired but felt the same.. big fat and preggers and barely fitting behind the wheel to drive! So I went to supper (not saying where b/c I'm doing a contest) with a friend and Tash! (randy was at a Bradley Game) I started telling her that my back was hurting so bad!! Ended up not eating any of my food.. Went to the bathroom during our time together and sure enough... I was having a little bit of bleeding.. So I left with Tash and drove myself to the hospital.. yes drove myself.. Making Tash sing to me the entire way.. Called Randy to tell him to meet me there.. Called my mother to tell her to meet me there.. Called Randy's mom to tell her to come get Tash.. And thankfully I made it b/c it seemed to be the longest drive of my life!!!! WOWSERS!! So we get there I'm hooked up on the monitors and they check me.. at a 2.. Watched me for a hour.. showed no contractions.. Told me that my doctor said he wanted to keep me and that most likely I would have my csection the next day but wanted to watch so I didn't go into labor.. I said seriously this is hurting really bad.. Doctor on call said oh its braxton hicks.. I said okay.. kept laying there.. Doctor left came back and said Your ob wants me to check you again before he decides weither or not he needs to come in.. I was at a 5! Okay.. so bottom line.. I ended up with the csection that night.. I was so nervous about it and asked them if I could pee before hand and Randy was standing right outside the door when I went in and when I came out he was gone.. I lost it.. Thankfully he was waiting for me down by the room and couldn't come in untill they were all ready to cut.. But they still let me stop and let him give me a hug and kiss! I remember that it was so intimidating the entire time.. Between being completely naked in front of a staff of like 10+ people just ready to rip me open and take out my child.. Totally different feel then when I had Tash.. I instantly had the biggest head ache.. I am okay the whole not pushing thing was kind of nice.. But again… That’s the whole fun of having children in my eyes! Call me crazy! Lol…. So at 11:28 out popped our Beautiful Baby Boy!! Weighing in at…. Oh another contest question.. Hehehe!! He was so stinking chubby!! I didn’t get to hold him yet only touch him.. He grabbed my finger and had the tightest grip ever!! Oh I can’t believe I have my beautiful son!!! FINALLY!! With 2 miscarriage before and almost losing him like a hundred times.. Being on bedrest for over 6 out of the 9 months.. If not more!! From having to get a shot 1 a week in my butt… to checking my blood sugars daily and taking insulin 3x a day… The work had finally paid off… Then I’m told he has to be kept in the nursery b/c he can’t keep his body heat up and his sugars are to low.. Boo.. Oh well I will get to see him.. Now just have to get these leggs working and epideral to ware off so I can go hold my baby boy… Wrong.. At about I believe 2 or 3 am my Sister, Mom, & Randy decide its time to head out and go home and get some rest.. My sister noticed that I was blooding and told me I should tell the nurse.. I said.. Lisa I just had a baby.. Its normal.. I feel good and nothing to worry about.. Well on there way out she decided to tell a nurse to check on it.. Pretty thankful she did b/c I started hemorrhaging out.. I remember telling the nurse that I was fine.. I felt great… I remember a tons of nurses being called in.. That the big button above your head at the hospital that is only pulled on tv… Yeah that was pulled doctors were called.. I remember all of a sudden I wanted to throw up.. I remember I couldn’t keep my eyes open and that I was just getting yelled at… You know that feeling in your head where everyone talking just feels like echos… not real words…. Black.. Yep.. Black.. So I took a nice nap… I work to both my arms being pulled and blood everywhere! Gross.. Hearing Nurses yelling my name… and seeing a big long needling being stuck in my leg.. Thankfully I felt nothing.. Then I started feeling better and coming to.. Ended up having to have 2 blood transfusions… and was not aloud to get out of bed till my levels were up.. Poor Ty was not able to come see me and I was not able to come see him.. Finally at about 8pm on the 17th my levels were better and I could go in and see him.. I remember the 1st time I held him it was perfect!! He was the most beautiful chubby boy I have ever seen!! I remember looking around the nursery and not one of those babies were even close to Ty’s size.. I saw tiny babies having to take carseat tests b/c they were so tiny.. But here my big chubs in my arms he was the perfect size!! He was able to come see me the next morning.. I was so happy to be able to have him with me!! My OB said that there is only like a 5% chance of hemorrhaging with a c-section.. And that he had given me medicine that actually prevents it more during my c-section.. So he said that that actually happened is extremely rare.. He likes it call those cases a Cecilia and 1! This year with Ty has been a whirlwind of a year.. We have gone through tons to have him here with us!! I can’t explain how much he means to Randy, Tasha, & I! I love how protected Tash is of him.. I love how much he just adores her! How he goes to her door in the morning and knocks on it to wake her up.. How he giggles at her when ever she gets near him..I love how much he is thrilled when Daddy get homes.. How he goes to the window and just stairs at him.. I love how Daddy is his best buddy.. That Randy can’t wake in a room where Ty is without having to pick him up!! I love that through this entire year of ups and downs that our family has stayed strong and have never fallen apart! This year from birth to 1 year of age.. Ty has been in the hospital a total of 76 days, has about a million different test done on him, 2 surgerys, 1 cold, about 1 million throw ups/spit ups, gone with about a hundred outfit changes each week, probably 3 rash out brakes each week… about 6 bed changes each week due to throwing up of peeing through his diaper due to his feeding tube.. Gone through 12 different kinds of formula! Yeah.. I could seriously go on!! But the bottom line is I honestly it has all been worth it!! We have our CushCush pefect family!! We annoy each other and some days I wish I had a closet to hide in.. But in the end I LOVE my life! I love that a year ago today God gave us our Tyus >>>>>>> Cushman!! Another contest question.. Lol! J

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